It is so sunny here that I'm never sure what exactly I'm taking a picture of because my camera only has a screen, no hole to look through to take pictures. Most of them come out with bits cut off or off centre, so there's my excuse for some of them being pretty bad.
In the parking lot you see from the window of my hostel. I guess it's as good as any hang out spot in Bangkok, and out of the sun no less.
What a lot of streets look like here: very busy, and this one had lots of monks on it. They were all shopping for random junk which I found weird, as did I find the monk talking on his cell phone.
I understand not selling it early in the morning, but between 2 and 5?
It's Fido Dido. Wasn't he in Canada like 15 years ago? Either I got some really old 7UP or it took him a long time to cross the ocean. Also, keeping this empty can in my room overnight before taking a picture of it meant that I had ants in the morning :(
A really un-Bangkok looking building on the grounds of the Vimanmek Palace
Monks just wanna have fun